Sometimes when I have time , I think about silly things. My imagination often takes me to a realm where people could for instance be having tails and horns! Other times , I imagine scenes when God created firstborns. In my thoughts, I vividly see God mixing dictatorship and pride to make their blood . I then imagine a firstborn blushing and saying:" Did you just say that I'm gonna be the firstborn? Oh my! I'm shy. It's gonna be my first time"
When asked about how it felt like to be the First Lady of the United States/ member of first family, Michelle Obama said that when you are the first in everything, you can't afford to make any mistake; which she said was kinda frightening.
She said :"Making mistakes was not an option for us. Not that we didn’t make mistakes, but we had to be good — no, we had to be outstanding — at everything we did….When you’re the first, you’re the one that’s laying the red carpet down for others to follow."
Almost every person knows how it felt like back in primary school when the teacher wanted to punish the whole class for a given mistake and they followed alphabetical order while doing so. For people whose names started with A or B, they must understand how being the first was not always the best.
As a first born raised by a single mom, I know and have suffered /still suffer what I may call " perfection syndrome" and it has in most ways shaped the person I am today. Up to this day , a quote which says " Always remember who you are, what you are and who you represent" still echoes in my ears as if I am some sort of president's daughter or a princess.
When you are the firstborn, you are expected to be superhuman.You're always expected to hide your vulnerability, to suppress your emotions and to behave like an adult even when you are 5 or 6.Many firstborns I know including myself look even younger if not skinnier than their little siblings, because those fellas overthink and I couldn't be exaggerating if I call them assistant parents.
Being the firstborn kinda screw up your emotional and mental health. You do not have to make any mistake, you are supposed to be strong and perfect.
Almost every time, you have to put on a brave face, silence the heart and activate the logic because you know that some little munchkins like yourself look up to you and are ready to imitate whatever you do, not to forget how you could be punished for their mistakes!
You gotta calculate your risks and be always alert because you know that if you fall into a pit, then a whole chain of siblings is gonna fall into that pit too.
It's kinda dangerous for it builds a cloud of thoughts and unfinished businesses which may be heavy and rain on everyone around you; creating even a bigger mess.
It can affect relationships, be it romantic or simple friendship, because of the fact that one wants to handle everything alone when she's or he's supposed to be open and share it with their partner or friend. It steals someone the right of self expression because he or she gotta take decisions that protect the family image no matter what; even when she or he maybe thinking otherwise.
Being the firstborn is good though! You change your parents' names and everyone starts addressing your parents with your name as the prefix! They be like " Mama Nova" or " Mama Jay". With it also comes the power to manipulate( hey, fellow dictators). You are a star and you can have everyone imitate your actions. By everyone, I mean your siblings. I remember how my little sister got her handwriting style. She had successfully imitated mine!