As a woman, have you observed how much it pisses you off when you match an outfit with a random woman in the room or on the streets? It is not the same with men, for men can even be friends and get along simply because they match clothes unexpectedly! If I were to answer this, I would say that it is because it kills one's chance to stand out uniquely, since people would start comparing them both, wondering who wore it better thus fueling insecurities and jealousy. Today, I will be briefly talking about something we all guard jealously with or without our knowing: Individuality.
Oxford Dictionary defines individuality and uniqueness as the qualities that make someone or something different from other people or things. To know better, let me play and break the word into two: indivisible+duality or maybe indivi-duality. This is a less common term, but it offers a different perspective. It combines "individual" with "indivisible" to suggest that while we experience ourselves as separate beings (individuals), we are also fundamentally interconnected with the world around us. This, my dear reader, can refer to our social connections, our dependence on the environment, or even a spiritual concept of oneness.
Some Key Aspects that Contribute to Individuality
Do you dip bread in tea or do you break it, put it in your mouth then sip on it? How do you take your pills when sick? Water first, last, or may God bless the salivary gland? All of these little things alongside traits, experiences, and beliefs make up your individuality.
One of the key aspects that contribute to your individuality is your values and beliefs. What's important to you? What guides your decisions? Moral compasses, religious faiths, or personal philosophies all shape who you are.
Number two is interests and passions: What gets you excited? Whether it's music or sports, your passions showcase unique aspects of yourself. Number three is skills and talents: What are you good at? These can be practical skills or artistic ones. They can also be social skills or intellectual strengths (special greetings to people who say that they don't have any talent. I am watching you)
Number four is personality Traits: Are you introverted, extroverted, or you're just ambiverted like me? Are you optimistic or cautious? These inborn tendencies influence how you interact with the world. The last on my list is life experiences: The unique path you've walked shapes your perspective. Upbringing, travel, challenges, and triumphs all contribute to your individuality. Your daily routines and habits can be surprisingly personal. Maybe you keep all your empty perfume bottles or coffee cups or write in a journal before bed. The need to be seen and recognized is a common human desire. People use various behaviors to stand out, depending on their goals and personalities. Some strive for excellence in their chosen field, pushing boundaries and seeking recognition for their accomplishments.
Others express themselves through innovative ideas, art, music, or fashion as a way to stand out and showcase unique talents. There are my favorite people also who go the "nonconformity" way, challenging norms, or having an unconventional style can be a way to assert individuality.
It's important to find a balance between expressing your individuality and being part of a community. While standing out can be rewarding, social connection and belonging are also important human needs.
Thank you for reading up here. I will end this by simply telling you this: next time if you find yourself feeling like a misfit, remember that nobody in this world whether you could be related or not is like you. Your individuality/uniqueness is your identity and most treasured possession. " You" is a whole new version/species of human. Love yourself and hold on to yourself. Learn from others where necessary but don't try to become them. Until we meet again, may God guard you